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Commission further integrates Ukraine into EU Single Market through the …

Commissioner for Transport Adina Vălean and Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration of Ukraine and Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development Oleksandr Kubrakov, today signe…

EUAM conducts digital forensics training to strengthen Ukrainian investi…

EUAM Ukraine and the Austrian National Criminal Intelligence Service organised an intensive training in Vienna on digital forensics for members from the National Police of Ukraine

EIB and Ukrainian Railways sign €6.7 million EU grant to address urgent …

€6.7 million EU grant coordinated by the EIB issued to Ukraine to cover the urgent needs of Ukraine’s rail transport company Ukrzaliznytsia.

Ukraine to receive EIB-supported EU grant for over €50 million for tempo…

With an EU grant for more than €50 million, Ukraine will rebuild critical infrastructure damaged during the war and reopen routes using temporary bridges.

Agrarian Service launched in Znob-Novhorodske with support of U-LEAD

An EU-supported agrarian service has been created in Znob-Novhorodske village, in the north of the Sumy oblast of Ukraine

EU Monitoring Mission to Ukraine launches pilot project to support local…

Representatives of the EUAM visited liberated Snihurivka to announce a pilot project aimed at assisting civil security agencies to overcome current challenges.

EU project presents the interim results of assessing the vulnerability o…

The project “Strengthening the Capacity of Regional and local administrations for Implementation and Enforcement of EU Environmental and climate change legislation and Development of infrastructure…

Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine focuses on supporti…

The Steering Committee of the Multi-agency Donor Coordination Platform for Ukraine met for the third time this year, in a virtual format

EUAM provides Ukrainian investigators and prosecutors with energy equipm…

Last week, EUAM Ukraine organised training and capacity building sessions on international crimes for investigators and prosecutors from several regions

Eurojust steps up its role in fighting war crimes, says Agency’s Annual …

In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Eurojust’s role in fighting core international crimes was significantly enhanced in 2022

Council adopts renewal of temporary trade liberalisation and other trade…

The Council adopted a Regulation which renews the suspension of all customs duties, quotas and trade defence measures on Ukrainian exports to the EU

EU helps to launch 25 Digital Learning Centres for Ukrainian children in…

The European Commission, together with the foundation ‘SavED’, has started setting up 25 Digital Learning Centres in Ukraine.
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