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EBRD has begun a strategic cooperation with PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest systemically important bank
The EU4Business programme will support 50 small enterprises with a new wave of grants
The new wave of EU4Business grants for micro-business, financed by the European Union and the German Government in the amount of EUR 3 million
20 projects involving 58 universities and other organisations from Ukraine have been selected for funding  under the European Union Erasmus+ Programme for Capacity Building in the Field of Higher E…
EU and UNDP in partnership with the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, have delivered 30 state-of-the-art suitcases for providing ‘Mobile Administrator’ service
The European Commission provided the selection results of Erasmus+ projects within Jean Monnet Action.
Ukrainian veterans encounter significant challenges during their reintegration into civilian life, a recent survey by the EU4Youth programme has revealed.
ALIPH and its local partners are already providing direct emergency aid to cultural institutions.
Integrity is the path to a successful and just society. Sometimes it may be stormy along the way, but the key is to stay on course and keep a clear direction.
“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”.
The Commission has today paid a sixth tranche of €1.5 billion under the Macro-financial Assistance (MFA) “Plus” package for Ukraine
On 21 July, the final expert mission to examine the functioning of Ukraine’s National Quality Infrastructure by European experts took place.
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