Roaming’ for Ukraine: operators extend agreement to provide afford…
On 9 July, the Commission welcomed the prolongation of the operators’ agreement allowing displaced refugees from Ukraine.
Eurobarometer: Europeans show strong support for the EU energy policy an…
The latest Standard Eurobarometer survey shows that EU citizens continue to back overwhelmingly the energy transition.
Promoting integrity and transparency in Ukraine: EU and UNDP organize th…
The European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Ukraine, together with national partners, organized an Anti-Corruption Camp
EUAM Ukraine helps Kherson and Mykolaiv partners to investigate and pros…
At the end of June, the EU Advisory Mission (EUAM) in Ukraine conducted a three-day training on topics related to international crimes
Russian war will not stop Ukrainian culture: EU-supported Cultural Mosai…
On 8 July 2023, the Lavra Art Gallery hosted the Cultural Mosaic Art Open Air with the support of the EU.
EU4Business: Connecting Companies project marks its closure with final c…
The ‘EU4Business: Connecting Companies’ (EU4BCC) project has ended with a final conference held on June 27 in Brussels, Belgium.
EU launches new phase of EU4Business Facility
The EU has launched the EU4Business Facility Phase III to support sustainable economic growth of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
EU4Youth programme launches nine projects to enhance youth employment an…
The implementation of nine projects selected by the EU4Youth programme under the grant scheme is being launched in Tbilisi, Georgia.
EU and UNDP deliver telemedicine suitcases to remote medical facilities …
The United Nations Development Programme delivered 60 telemedicine diagnostic suitcases to medical facilities
EU-Ukraine cooperation on Intellectual Property: EUIPO and UANIPIO forge…
EUIPO and the new UANIPIO today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)
Works begin under EU-funded project to repair schools in Ukraine
UNOPS is working with the EU and partners to help more than 20,000 students return to school.
Renovation of hospital, supported by EU, is completed in Odesa
City Clinical Hospital No. 8, newly renovated under the Ukraine Early Recovery Programme, reopened in Odesa