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Ukraine: EU grants access to funding under EU4Health programme

The EU today signed an agreement associating Ukraine to the EU4Health programme, opening access for Ukraine to EU funding in the area of health. This will enable the Ukrainian health system to resp…

Right to be happy: EU supports project aiming to restore well-being of c…

The European Union in Ukraine is supporting the ‘Right to Be Happy’ project aimed at restoring the well-being of children and parents who have survived the horrors of war.

EBRD Green Cities resumes work in Ukraine’s Khmelnytskyi

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has resumed work on urban sustainability with the western Ukrainian city of Khmelnytskyi, through its flagship EBRD Green Cities programm…

EU starts delivery of more than 90 off-road trucks to support Ukraine’s …

The EU has started to deliver more than 90 off-road trucks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine under the European Peace Facility.

Ukrainian communities to receive new ambulances funded by the European U…

The first batch of ambulances donated by the International Solidarity Fund Poland with financial support from the European Commission has crossed the border between Poland and Ukraine.

EU sets up €20 million support for Ukrainian start-ups

The European Commission has launched an €20 million action to support the Ukrainian innovation community through the European Innovation Council (EIC).

EU provides 90 vehicles to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies

The EU-funded PRAVO Police Programme has delivered 90 vehicles to Ukrainian law enforcement agencies, with a total value of close to €2 million.

Thirteen Ukrainian companies to receive EU social enterprise support

The project ‘Collaborate for Impact – development of social entrepreneurship and social investments towards economic and social cohesion in the Eastern Partnership’ is led by the European Venture P…

EU donates 1,000 items of body armour to Ukrainian police

The first donation of personal protective equipment since PRAVO Police was repurposed to provide emergency support to Ukraine’s rule of law institutions. More items from the EU will be arriving to …

Another 2,700 emergency items reach Ukraine: EU project outlines six ste…

Recently, the EU Anti-Corruption Initiative (EUACI) procured 298 bullet-proof vests, 400 walkie-talkies, 2,000 first aid kits, and 3 thermographic cameras, among many other items to help Ukraine de…

Von der Leyen: EU may use Russian assets for reconstruction of Ukraine

The European Union may possibly use frozen Russian assets in the EU to help Ukraine rebuild after Putin’s war, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told the World Economic Forum in Da…

Ukraine: EU adopts temporary trade liberalisation with Ukraine

The Council of the European Union today adopted a regulation allowing for temporary trade liberalisation and other trade concessions with regard to certain Ukrainian products. This means that for o…
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