EU project

EU4Energy - Promoting the Clean Energy Transition - Energy Statistics and Policy Development
Project Description
The EU-supported project is implemented by the International Energy Agency (IEA). It works with Governments of the Eastern Partnership countries to support them in their efforts to strengthen energy security, remove investment barriers for clean energy finance and increase the share of renewable energy in the energy mix.
Specific Objective
The objective of the project is to support the Governments in the Focus Countries to work towards the clean energy transition via improved policy-making, improved data quality and dissemination, as well as a greater awareness of energy information.
Expected Results
- Capacity for defining overall energy policy decisions based on quality data and best practices guidelines increased.
- Robust, sustainable and measurable energy sector developments enhanced.
- Increased awareness of energy sector developments, improved data and policymaking via web presence.
- Capacity of national statistics agencies improved.
- Energy efficiency indicators improved and developed further.
- Robust, sustainable and measurable energy sector developments enhanced.
- Increased awareness of energy sector developments, improved data and policymaking via web presence.
- Capacity of national statistics agencies improved.
- Energy efficiency indicators improved and developed further.
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that greens Subsector:
Energy & energy efficiency Topic:
Energy EaP Countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine Project Status:
Ongoing Start Date:
01.07.2021 End Date:
30.06.2025 EU Project Number: