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EU project

Development of Pyriatyn community value chains in dairy and berry clusters to support youth and rural residents economic empowerment and enable local green growth

Project Description
Expanding local value chains (as an alternative to the dominating grain crop production) to provide employment for local residents, in particular from peripheral villages
Promoting craft production using locally grown food (including dairy, cheese, berries, and honey) and innovative recipes
Improving social inclusion of the rural populations, in particular young people, and developing their creative and entrepreneurial potential
Improving environmental sustainability - greening the local economy and adapting to climate change.

Approximately 100 rural households, who are willing to engage in berry and fruit farming or start family dairy farms
Ex-combatants (367 people, 195 of which have received 1-2 ha land plots (total area of ​​approx. 3 sq. Km))
Local berry farmers (5 people with total farming area of 25 hectares) and rural bee farmers (90 people)
Local cheese producers: Pyriatyn Cheese Plant LLC and Lelyakivska Cheese Plant LLC (total employees - 700)
Students (600) and faculty members (31 lecturers, 51% - women) of the Berezova Rudka Agricultural Technical School
Local school students (1,885 students of 5th-11th grades, 48% - girls) and teachers (318 persons, 82% - women)
The local authority employees (85 persons, 73% - women)

Specific Objective
Expanding local value chains (as an alternative to the dominating grain crop production) to provide employment for local residents, in particular from peripheral villages
Promoting craft production using locally grown food (including dairy, cheese, berries, and honey) and innovative recipes
Improving social inclusion of the rural populations, in particular young people, and developing their creative and entrepreneurial potential
Improving environmental sustainability - greening the local economy and adapting to climate change

Component 1. Developing entrepreneurship in horticulture, berry farming, dairy farming, etc. (supporting the development of existing berry / fruit farms, training and assistance in starting new plantations and family dairy farms, providing equipment for drip irrigation, processing and cooling of berries / fruits, and dairy farming; marketing support, arranging retail and tasting outlets, social media advertising, participating in exhibitions, improving and marking tourist sites)
Component 2. Introducing new school curriculum and technical training programmes and courses (setting up school coworkings to incorporate hands-on learning of entrepreneurship, training of school teachers and administrative staff, developing a new curriculum; setting up training facilities for dual studies at cheese production and family milk farms and an experimental facility for testing new recipes in the premises of the local agricultural technical school, providing training for teachers, preparing the curriculum)
Component 3. Capacity building of the local authorities to support local economic development (preparing the LED Plan for the next period with all stakeholders involved, streamlining work processes to implement priority tasks, and building capacity of the departments and the Pyriatyn Community Development Agency)
Expected Results
New jobs created, self-employed entrepreneurs, dairy farmers, berry farmers and fruit farmers, primarily from among young people, ex-combatants and women (at least 200).
New perennial crop plantations (total area of not less than 10 ha) equipped with drip irrigation systems
Primary processing / sorting and cooling equipment for berries and fruits provided
Family dairy farms created and equipped (minimum 100 livestock units in total)
Dual study programme of the local agricultural technical school adopted to train and prepare cheese makers (using the local cheese production facilities), berry specialists (using the local berry plantations) and livestock specialists (using the local family dairy farms)
An experimental facility set up in the local agricultural technical school for testing innovative recipes and foods (consisting of dairy / cheese ingredients, berries, fruits, and honey)
Mobile and fixed retail outlets for local craft products
School curriculum focused on developing the entrepreneurial and creative potential of high school students
School coworkings equipped with modern technologies (including greenhouse / fruit and berry farming) and available to all residents of the community
New tourist locations developed (to promote local craft products): the tomb pyramid (19th century; one of the three tomb pyramids in Europe) of the Zakrevsky family and their palace (18th century)
Project map
Photo gallery
Priority Area:
Partnership that creates
Economy & trade
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number:
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