EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell is one of the officials whose support for Ukraine is not widely known about by the general public. The Spanish politician from Catalonia is not particularly known for...
“Together we learn and grow – the EU invests in our common future, supporting Ukrainian education and youth projects in both the European Union and Ukraine, with the objective of facilitating the development...
The EU has supported a waste management modernisation project implemented in the Ukrainian city of Fastiv as part of the Nefco-managed Ukraine Water Modernisation programme, financed by the European...
On 5 November, five additional services of the EU-funded e-entrepreneur framework were introduced at the ‘Country of e-Entrepreneurs’ event in Kyiv, Ukraine
A Ukrainian NGO, ‘100 Percent Life Network Rivne’, has announced the second subgrant call as part of the EU-funded project on ‘Strengthening Civil Society Engagement for Social Sector Development in...
EUMAM Ukraine remains a key tool for EU’s military support to Ukraine, with its core objective of contributing to enhancing the military capacity of Ukraine’s Armed Forces
On 8 November 2024, the Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine, Katarína Mathernová, and UNICEF Deputy Representative Programmes OiC, Emmanuelle Abrioux, visited kindergarten No. 4 “Prolisok” in...