Cyber lab and classroom installed for Ukrainian Armed Forces with EU sup…
During the last two years, the European Union has provided €3 million to boost the cyber defence capabilities of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and to reinforce security and defence cooperation with Uk…
10 Ukrainian “green” innovators receive nearly €500,000 in g…
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Union announced 10 Ukrainian companies as winners of the third wave of the Climate Innovation Vouchers grant program
EU and UNDP are creating new opportunities for young people: new youth s…
Local youth will be able to offer their own ideas for improving community well-being and developing volunteering.
The European Union handed over new equipment to modernise education in v…
The European Union, in partnership with the German development bank KfW and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, handed over eighteen units of agricultural machinery to vocational and …
Commission disburses first €4.5 billion of bridge financing to Ukraine u…
The Commission has disbursed the first €4.5 billion of support under the EU’s new Ukraine Facility.
Winners of the European Prize for Women Innovators announced – one from …
Yulia Beletskaya from Ukraine, CEO and co-founder of S.lab, a company developing alternatives to foam packaging, has won one of the three categories of the European Women Innovators Award – the EIT…
The European Union strengthens Ukrainian cyber defence
With the European Peace Facility (EPF), the European Union is supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to upgrade their cyber defence skills
EU and UNDP provide Ukrainian communities with new garbage trucks
The European Union, the Government of Japan, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP Ukraine) have purchased and delivered new garbage trucks to Ukrainian communities to support local wa…
EU and UNDP launch the “School of the physical therapist of the future” …
The tailored-made educational course is designed to equip health care professionals to address the growing need for rehabilitation services.
European Peace Facility: EU agrees to another €5 billion in military sup…
On 13 March, Coreper (the Committee of the Permanent Representatives of the Governments of the Member States to the European Union) agreed in principle to provide Ukraine with another military supp…
Commissioner Lenarčič welcomes 1000th Ukrainian patient evacuated to Ger…
European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič is participating in an event at Cologne-Bonn airport, Germany to mark the 1000th Ukrainian patient transferred to receive healthcare in Ge…
EIB-backed Ukraine Recovery Programme kicks off as critical infrastructu…
More than 100 cities and communities in Ukraine will have municipal infrastructure rebuilt under two European Invetment Bank (EIB) recovery programmes after the Ukrainian government allocated €161 …