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The European Commission to transfer EUR 135 million initially planned for Russia and Belarus to Ukraine and Moldova


The European Commission has approved a decision to transfer €135 million of the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument, originally planned for 2021-2027 Interreg NEXT programmes with Russia and Belarus, to other Interreg programmes with Ukraine and Moldova, according to a press release published on the website of the European Commission.

I am glad that the funds we had initially planned for this cooperation will now benefit the EU’s programmes with Ukraine and Moldova. This will help strengthen collaboration between EU regions and local stakeholders with Ukrainian and Moldovan partners,” Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms, Elisa Ferreira commented the decision of the European Commission.

Concretely, this funding may support a range of activities, including Solidarity Lanes and the development of cross-border transport links, health services, education and research projects, social inclusion schemes, as well as reinforcing the institutional capacity of Ukrainian and Moldovan public authorities, according to the press release.

Interreg NEXT is a programme of cross-border cooperation between the EU and neighbouring regions. The programme supports economic and social development of border territories through joint actions, including protection of the environment, healthcare services, security and protection measures, etc.

Following the Russian military aggression against Ukraine and in line with the measures adopted by the EU, in March 2022, the Commission had initially suspended cooperation with Russia and its ally Belarus in Interreg programmes. This led to EUR 26 million being redistributed to support cooperation programmes with Ukraine and Moldova. This decision redistributes the remaining funding from the 2021-2027 period in the same manner.


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