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Finance Ministry named the biggest donor of budget assistance to Ukraine


ЄThe European Union is the largest donor of budget assistance to Ukraine – about €32 billion since February 2022, stated Finance Minister Serhiy Marchenko, as reported by the press service of the ministry.

“We feel strong support from the EU in all possible areas. The European Union is the largest donor of budget assistance to Ukraine – about €32 billion since February 2022. Over the 10 years of Russia’s war against Ukraine, financial support from the EU has reached more than €37 billion,” said the Finance Minister of Ukraine. He also noted the important decision of the EU Council to approve the Ukraine Plan for 2024-2027. “This will allow us to attract budget, investment, and technical assistance totalling €50 billion,” Marchenko added.

About Ukraine Plan for 2024-2027

On May 14, the Council of the European Union for Economic and Financial Affairs approved the Ukraine Plan under the EU’s Ukraine Facility for 2024-2027. Ukraine is set to receive €1.9 billion after the signing of international agreements and the implementation of measures for their entry into force. “Ukraine has already fulfilled the first five indicators of the Ukraine Plan, which were specified for the first quarter of 2024 in the areas of public finance management, the fight against corruption, and the development of the business environment. This allowed us to attract €6 billion of transitional financing under the Ukraine Facility. Four out of nine indicators provided for the second quarter have also been implemented,” Marchenko emphasized. The document includes 151 indicators in 15 areas, including public finance management, the fight against money laundering, and financial markets. reference: In March, Ukraine attracted a record amount of international aid – more than $9 billion; foreign financial assistance in April decreased significantly after record receipts in March.


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