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12 million UAH for the recovery and development of communities

International Renaissance Foundation in partnership with the European Union announces a call for proposals to support initiatives that will promote transparent recovery and development of communities in Ukraine.

Non-governmental organisations, public unions, self-organised bodies, and charitable organisations are invited to participate in the competition.

Priorities of the call:

  • increasing opportunities for sustainable strategic planning in territorial communities;
  • increasing the capacity of local authorities to plan and implement reconstruction/local development projects and attract funding;
  • transparency and public control over the spending of reconstruction funds by local governments and military administrations, increasing publicity and accountability.

Size of the grant: from UAH 700,000 up to UAH 1,200,000.

Project duration: up to 6 months.

Deadline for submitting project proposals: March 15, 2024.

Details of the call at:…/konkurs-stijkist-vidnovlennya-ta…

The call is implemented by the International Renaissance Foundation within the framework of the “European Renaissance of Ukraine” project, with the financial support of the European Union.