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The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine is glad to announce the new Euroclubs Project Competition

We invite experienced and new Euroclubs to submit applications for the competition in the following areas:

📍 Coverage of thematic priorities of the competition,
📍 Development of the Euroclub network,
📍 Commemoration of thematic European dates and weeks,
📍 Organization of contests “How I see European Ukraine”.

❓ How to apply?

✅ Involve at least 3 Euroclubs from different cities or regions of Ukraine and representatives from other EU Networks into the project.
✅ Fill in the online application until 1 March, 2023
The top 30 Euroclubs with the best project ideas will receive consultation, financial, and organizational support to implement their project.

Details of the competition for Euroclubs:

We are waiting for your new interesting projects!