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Girls Business Academy 1.0 / Академія бізнесу для дівчат 1.0


In 2024, women opened the majority of individual entrepreneurship positions in Ukraine. Isn’t that cool? Cool! But there is one thing. Even two:

  • the areas where women mostly opened individual entrepreneurship positions are providing individual services and retail trade. At the same time, the so-called ‘big money’ circulates in other areas: for example, industry and finance (and it is mostly large legal entities that work there not individual entrepreneurs)
  • according to statistics, from 50% to 90% of businesses shut down in the first 5 years of operation, and the most difficult is the first year of operation of a new enterprise as its owners often act intuitively

What to do about it? You can think of a global company worth billions of EUR or start with small but effective steps. We offer exactly the second option!

The ‘Girls Business Academy 1.0’ project is a chance for girls 17-23 years old to develop their financial literacy, become more economically stable and independent, and gain expert knowledge about how the field of entrepreneurship, in particular social entrepreneurship, works. Moreover, in addition to theoretical knowledge, project graduates will create a business model, business plan, and financial plan for their enterprise with elements of a social purpose

What are the components of the project?

  • 10 theoretical online meetings
  • 5 practical online meetings with businesswomen
  • 5 interactive online networking meetings
  • 10 practical tasks between meetings
  • 10 selections of additional resources for a deeper study of each topic
  • constant communication and support in the joint chat
  • certificates for the purchase of business literature for the three most active graduates
  • a two-day study visit to Kyiv for the most diligent project graduates (20 people) with a visit to a social enterprise, participation in a discussion on the challenges and prospects of female entrepreneurship, and workshops on public speaking and project management

More about topics and schedule of meetings:

Who can participate in the project?

  • girls 17-23 years old from all corners of Ukraine who do not study/have not studied finance, entrepreneurship, and related disciplines within the framework of formal education, but who are interested in this field
  • girls who want to qualitatively expand their network and get into the environment of similarly motivated young people

How to participate in the project?

  • fill in the registration form by 23:59 on 10 July 2024:
  • wait for the confirmation of application receipt by 23:59 on 12 July 2024
  • get the selection results by 23:59 on 16 July 2024

Important! Only 50 girls from all over Ukraine will be selected to participate in the project based on their motivation and willingness to participate in all meetings foreseen by the project. Priority will be given to girls from small settlements, taking into account regional representation.

The project ‘Girls Business Academy 1.0’ was founded by the NGO ‘Women’s League’ and is implemented by the Projector Foundation as part of the ‘Sama Sobi Tsil’ (‘A Goal in Itself)’ program with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ‘Strengthening Public Trust (UCBI)’ and the initiative ‘EU4Youth Alumni Network’, which is part of the European Union program ‘EU4Youth Programme’ (#EU4Youth)

Detailed information about the project will be published on its official Instagram account:

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