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Girls Leadership Academy 4.0 invites young Ukrainians from all over the world – Register by 20 January

The Ukrainian ‘League of Women’ public organisation invites Ukrainian girls aged 14-16 wherever they are living in the world to take part in the online ‘Girls Leadership Academy 4.0’, created with the support of the European Union.

The Academy will take place from 3 February to 15 June 2024. It will include ten informational and ten practical online meetings with invited experts on various topics.

Among the topics of the sessions are politics and leadership, effective communication, gender inequality, career guidance and entrepreneurship as a path to financial independence.

To take part in the Academy, an applicant should create a team with a girl of the same age and fill out this form by 20 January, 2024.

The project was founded by the Women’s League NGO in 2020 as part of the EU4Youth Alumni Network programme with the support of the European Union. In 2024, Girls Leadership Academy 4.0 will be implemented in cooperation with the Heinrich Boell Foundation, Kyiv-Ukraine Office.

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Press release


January 20, 2024


Online courses