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Network 100 Percent Life Rivne announces a sub-grant call

Within the framework of the EU4CSOs Empower UA project, the Network 100 Percent Life Rivne announces a sub-grant call for proposals for CSOs in Ukraine working in the social sphere!

Priority areas for sub-grant projects:

✅ Providing quality social services to people facing challenging life circumstances.
✅ Enhancing the capacity of CSOs to deliver services in accordance with State Standards for Social Services.
✅ Expanding the range of social services provided by CSOs.

Interested in the opportunity to receive financial support to enhance the capacity of CSOs to provide quality social services?

Online application form:

Grant amount: from EUR 40,000 to EUR 60,000.

Application deadline: 8 April 2024 by 18:00.

Announcement of results: 30 April 2024.

Questions are accepted via email:

Information session with the project team: April 1, 2024, at 14:00. Registration is open until March 31, 2024, via the following link:

The EU4CSOs EmpowerUA project is made possible with the financial support of the European Union, which is committed to supporting and strengthening of civil society in Ukraine.