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New Competitions for EU Networks in 2023

The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine is pleased to announce the new Competitions for EU Networks in 2023!

Euroclubs Project Competition

Projects should aim to highlight thematic priorities, to develop a network of Euroclubs, to mark thematic dates and weeks and/or to organize contests “How I see European Ukraine”.

How to apply?

  • Involve in the project activities at least 3 Euroclubs from different cities or regions of Ukraine and representatives of other EU networks
  • Fill in the online application until 12 February, 2023

Details of the competition for Euroclubs here!

EU Career Day Call for Proposals

We invite the EU Information Centers, higher education institutions and non-governmental organizations to participate in the call. In 2023, we plan to support a minimum of 15 Career Days, aimed at disseminating knowledge and skills to Ukrainian students and young people.

How to apply?

  • Read the terms
  • Fill in the application and send it to the email address indicated on the website by 15 February 2023.

EU Networks in Ukraine Call for Proposals

The Delegation of the European Union to Ukraine invites Team Europe Ukraine, College of Europe Alumni Association, Young European Ambassadors and EU Study Days Alumni to participate in the call. In 2023, we plan to support 7 events, aimed at informing the public, media and local authorities about the priority areas of EU policy and EU-Ukraine cooperation.

How to apply?

  • Read the terms
  • Fill in the application and send it to the email address indicated on the website by 15 March 2023.


We are waiting for your new interesting projects and applications!