National Pre-Selection of European Digital innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in Ukraine
20th December 2023, the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine has opened the process for the National Pre-Selection of European Digital innovation Hubs (EDIHs) in Ukraine.
European Commission will be co-funding the EDIH network in Ukraine under the Digital Europe Program (DEP) with up to 4.5 million EUR.
EDIHs are one-stop shops set up to support public and private sector clients in a variety of sectors like Manufacturing, Public, Health/Medical, Agriculture/Food, Construction/Building, Transport/Logistics, Energy/Efficiency, and many others, in responding to digital challenges with digital technologies like AI, Big Data, Cloud, IoT and more.
In the EU today a network of over 150 EDIHs exist….
The deadline for the National Pre-Selection Process is the 19th of January 2024, all relevant application documents can be found here:…/startue-vidbir-do-merezhi….