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Resources available for EaP countries to help increase participation in Horizon Europe

Facilitating a stronger participation in Horizon Europe

The European Commission is implementing a project within the Global Support Service Facility to facilitate a stronger participation of the 5 Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine in Horizon Europe, the EU’s Framework for Research and Innovation, and in the European Research Area (ERA).

Targeted Proposal Writing Camps are organised in these countries to provide assistance to researchers and innovators from the public and private sectors in preparing Horizon Europe project proposals. All training sessions are organised in cooperation with local partner institutions and the National Contact Points for Horizon Europe.

In addition, researchers and innovators from the EaP partner countries can request individual expert consultations, which are granted on a case-by-case basis following consultations with the National Contact Points.

The EaP researchers and innovators can also make use of all training materials, which are available below.

Training material

You can download all training materials used in the camps and consultations in 3 zip files: