Join the YEP community! Young Elected Politician programme 2023
Are you a politician with a mandate at local or regional level in the EU, born after 1 January 1983? Are you looking for opportunities to network, exchange best practices, gather information on EU legislation and EU funding opportunities, be involved in the work of the European Committee of the Regions, and meet and debate with CoR members and other local, regional and European politicians? You are invited to apply to join the Young Elected Politicians (YEP) network!
Read below for all the details of the 2023 YEP Programme and apply by 10 April 2023.
You can apply if you:
- have been elected by direct universal suffrage at regional or local level in a Member State of the European Union or an EU Candidate Country
- were born after 1 January 1983
- do not hold a mandate as a CoR member or alternate
- have a good level of English
- complete the application form and submit it by 10 April 2023.
Candidates will be selected on the basis of the quality of their application form and with an eye to ensuring balance in terms of gender, regional and local representation, political affiliation and nationality.
Only applications in English or French will be considered.
- to network with fellow YEPs from elsewhere in the EU and other politicians at local, regional, national and European level
- to exchange best practices with other local and regional politicians through
- to understand the opportunities offered by the EU for local and regional areas
- to speak on behalf of EU regions and municipalities in the European legislative process
- to contribute to EU policy-making
- to raise your profile in European circles
In addition, selected YEPs will have the opportunity to participate in various communication activities related to the programme.
The programme is structured around three topics.
- A new chapter for EU democracy
The YEP programme will help you to build bridges between your city and region and the EU. It will give you inspiration on how to foster participatory democracy and support you to find ways of involving young people in democratic discussion and in local civic life. - Addressing the climate and energy crises
Under this topic, the YEP programme will give you a deeper insight into the European Green Deal, to inspire and be inspired by the projects of fellow YEPs, CoR members and other politicians. You will also learn how to contribute to EU climate change and carbon-neutrality targets. - The future of cohesion policy
The YEP programme will allow you to learn about the challenges and opportunities offered by the European cohesion policy. You will notably learn about funding opportunities for local and regional authorities, inspiring innovative projects to support the development of EU regions, and about the organisations supporting local authorities in the set up and implementation of their ideas.
Meetings are planned to take place in English.
The 2023 YEP programme will last until spring 2024, with activities scheduled throughout the year. Some are mandatory.
After this you will become an alumnus and you will be invited to further events.
Here is a provisional list of activities for 2023. Please be aware that dates might still change.
Additional activities/events might be added throughout the year. You will be informed in due course.
- regular networking sessions
- attendance at CoR commission meetings and plenary sessions
- participation in public consultations
- 16 May: welcome meeting – online – mandatory
- June: training session on “A new chapter for EU democracy” – mandatory
- 26-27 June EuroPCom, EU Public Communication conference
- September: training session on topic “Addressing the climate and energy crises ” – mandatory
- 9-12 October: 21st European Week of Regions and Cities, YEP session – mandatory
- November: training session on ” The future of cohesion policy” – mandatory
Events will take place online and at the CoR in Brussels. You will be informed in due time about the modalities of attendance.
To apply, you must fill out the following form in English or in French:
Apply to join the YEP community
How much?
Allowances are not granted for participation in online events and activities.
In the case of events requiring physical presence in Brussels, the CoR may:
- reimburse travel costs
- pay a flat-rate subsistence allowance per stay, upon presentation of proof of an overnight stay in the place where the meeting is being held.
The reimbursement of travel costs and the payment of the subsistence allowance depend on the budget available.
The CoR Political Groups are responsible for the final selection of YEPs to the programme and to events for which resources are limited.