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EU project

EU4Business: SME Competitiveness and Internationalisation

Project Description
The project “EU4Business: SME Competitiveness and Internationalisation” aims to support Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises as well as to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemiс. It provides: advisory measures through newly developed COVID-19 Business Clinics and grant support targeted at the recovery of SMEs; advisory support to the local communities in building sustainable SME ecosystems and promoting innovation and internationalisation of SMEs; educational support to the industrial clusters in increasing the innovation and export capabilities of its SME-participants.
Specific Objective
• Strengthen sustainable policy frameworks and business support ecosystem at local levels, with specific focus on SMEs;
• Enhance sustainable entrepreneurship and business competitiveness and internationali-sation, especially by SMEs.
Expected Results
• Strengthened regulatory and operational frameworks for SMEs at local level;
• Innovative business support measures at local level (via selected priority projects);
• Innovative products/services/business models by SMEs, including use of digital tools (developed via selected priority projects);
• Improved delivery of business advisory services by BIOs;
• Effective business integration and trade links in European and global markets;
• Enhanced clusters management practices and strategic connections.
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Priority Area:
Partnership that creates
Economy & trade
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number:
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