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EU project

Anti-war media project: raising awareness about Russia’s crimes in Ukraine and combating fake Russian military propaganda and hate speech

Project Description
The project aims to raise awareness about Russia’s disinformation narratives and war crimes in Ukraine among English-, French, Spanish, and Russian-speaking audiences through various communication channels. The content is created for YouTube, Telegram, Twitter, and TikTok, focusing on topics such as analysis of Russian propaganda, the actual situation in occupied Ukrainian territories, and Russia’s aggressive international politics. The materials are created through monitoring and analysis of Russian media, statements of Russian public figures, interviewing the victims/witnesses of Russian war crimes in Ukraine, and composing and translating videos based on gathered information. The main channel of communication with the Russian-speaking audience and people from temporarily occupied territories is the YouTube channel of the award-winning Ukrainian blogger Denys Kazanskyi. To reach Russian audiences, the anonymous anti-war Telegram channel is used, with the publications focused on highlighting the negative consequences of the war for Russia. For English-, French-, and Spanish-speaking audiences, the goal is to show Russia’s imperialist attitudes toward their countries and cultures and provide updates on the situation in Ukraine by translating the videos from Russian and Ukrainian. The main focus is on Global South. We communicate with these audiences through Twitter and TikTok. Activities include establishing connections with influencers and promoting content through targeted advertising campaigns.
Specific Objective
Overall objective: Contribute to raising awareness about Russia’s disinformation narratives and war crimes in Ukraine among English-, French, Spanish- and Russian-speaking audiences through various communication channels.

Specific objective(s): Russian-speaking audiences receive access to the information regarding the criminal actions of the Putin regime and their consequences, of the war crimes of the Russian army in Ukraine, and of the harm the war causes to the economies.
English-, French, Spanish-speaking audiences gain access to the information important for controlling narratives around the war in the face of Russian disinformation campaigns and latest updates about the situation in Ukraine.
Expected Results
1. Created video materials for Denys Kazansky’s YouTube channels and promoted through relevant Telegram and TikTok channels for Russian-speaking audiences.
2. Created video materials reach English-, French- and Spanish-speaking audiences via Twitter and Tik Tok.
3. Anonymous channel on Telegram ensures further outreach and dissemination of anti-war related materials for Russian-speaking audiences.
Project map
Priority Area:
Partnership that protects
Security & conflict response
Human rights, Media, Security
Project Status:
Start Date:
End Date:
EU Project Number:
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