Fusionfonia_Music of the Ukrainian Land

Music culture is a special component of the Ukrainian people’s cultural blueprint. Despite the war, Ukrainian artists, with the support from the EU, continue to create by skilfully combining powerful ancient traditions and innovation in their works of art. Their music sounds strongly and inimitably in the polyphony of the modern world.
Russian war will not stop Ukrainian culture
About the project
The music culture of each nation is as unique as national costume, traditions, language, and customs. At the same time, it is an integral part of the world’s music treasury, from which it has acquired instruments and styles at different times and in different ways, and to which it has given its priceless highlights over the centuries.
Ukrainian musician and composer Ivan Taranenko launched his project called ‘Fusionfonia_Music of the Ukrainian Land’ with the help of his Polish colleagues, in cooperation with the computer music studio in Wroclaw. A mobility grant provided by the European Union under the EU4Culture programme allowed the artist to complete work pand present it at a concert in Warsaw. Together with European partners, Ivan Taranenko plans to organise a road show of his project across EU countries in the near future to promote Ukrainian modern music culture in Europe and around the world.
Project timeline: July – August 2022
Project supported by
EU4Culture is anEU-funded programme that provides support to the cultural sector and creative industries in the Eastern Partnership countries, aiming to foster the development of culture as an engine for growth and social development across the region. Within the framework of the programme, Ukrainian artists can receive mobility grants for travel and temporary (up to 60 days) stay in the EU countries to implement joint projects with European partners.
Project implemented by
Ivan Taranenko (Kyiv) is a modern Ukrainian composer, performer, teacher, member of the National Union of Composers of Ukraine, secretary of the board of the NUCU, winner of numerous national and foreign awards and General Director of the international academic and modern music competition ‘Farbotony’. Since 2014, he has been particularly focused on the development and promotion of ‘Music of the Ukrainian Land’ fusion-style project (combination of jazz, folk, rock, academic and electronic music, various timbral combinations), which was founded by the composer in 2000.