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New study on the current educational process in Ukraine supported by ULEAD with Europe Programme, co-funded by the EU


On February 10, SavED and the VoxPopuli Agency presented a new study on the current educational process in Ukraine. The study, titled “War and education. 2 years of full-scale invasion.”, was supported by the ULEAD з Європою / ULEAD with Europe Programme, co-funded by the EU and GIZ Ukraine.

According to the study, 75% of students have knowledge gaps, and a quarter of them express pessimism about the future of Ukraine and dream of going abroad. Not only students, but also teachers face challenges in the educational process, with almost half of respondents expressing a need for psychological help. Addressing these issues will be crucial to improving education in Ukraine.

The European Union is committed to supporting better conditions for learning in Ukraine and will continue to work on creating new opportunities through the EU-funded initiatives.

The full study is available at the link.

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