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European Commissioner visits Kyiv to discuss resilience of Ukrainian energy system


European Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson held talks on 6 May with Ukrainian Energy Minister German Galushchenko in Kyiv to discuss ways to improve the sustainability of the Ukrainian energy system and preparation for the next heating season.

“We have already lost more than 8 GW,” Galushchenko said to Simson. “But we are working to restore the affected facilities and will restore as much as possible. Urgent solutions also include an increase in generation by next winter, in particular, maneuvering capacities.”

The sides discussed the needs of the Ukrainian energy sector for equipment that can be provided by European partners. Particular attention was focused on financial support, particularly through the mechanisms of the Ukraine Energy Support Fund established under the Energy Community Secretariat.

In addition, they discussed the potential interconnections between Ukraine and European countries to attract electricity from partner countries to balance the energy system and future integration of Ukrainian energy markets into the European market.

The meeting also focused on coordinating international cooperation to increase pressure on Russia and oust the aggressor country from global energy markets. Specifically, the Commissioner and Minister discussed the termination of the contract for the transit of Russian gas to Europe later this year.

“The EU has been preparing for this for two years. We know that Russia is an unreliable gas supplier” the Commissioner said, recalling that Russia has repeatedly manipulated prices on the gas market.

The Commissioner also announced the European Commission’s intention to have a new package of sanctions against Russia.

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