EU4Digital: supporting digital economy and society in the Eastern Partnership – Phase II
EU4Digital aims to extend the benefits of the European Union’s Digital Single Market to the Eastern partner countries, channeling the EU's support to develop the potential of the digital economy and society, in order to bring economic growth, generate more jobs, improve people’s lives and help businesses.
Конкретні цілі
- Extend the benefits of the Digital Single Market to the Eastern partner (EaP) countries.
- Promote the development of resilient digital economies and societies.
- Promote the development of resilient digital economies and societies.
Очікувані результати
- Secure and sustainable digital, as well as telecom infrastructure across the Eastern partner countries.
- Improved digitalisation of public services and interoperability between governmental services at the national level, the EaP level, and between the EaP and the EU.
- Support to digitalisation of businesses in the EaP countries and support the development of digital skills to digitally empower citizens, businesses and governments.
- Further establish EU4Digital as a recognised and well communicated brand encompassing all EU support to the digital economy and society in the EaP region, and providing links to complementary activities by the EaP partner countries, EU Member States, IFIs and other donors.
- Support crisis response and ad-hoc needs of partner countries.
- Improved digitalisation of public services and interoperability between governmental services at the national level, the EaP level, and between the EaP and the EU.
- Support to digitalisation of businesses in the EaP countries and support the development of digital skills to digitally empower citizens, businesses and governments.
- Further establish EU4Digital as a recognised and well communicated brand encompassing all EU support to the digital economy and society in the EaP region, and providing links to complementary activities by the EaP partner countries, EU Member States, IFIs and other donors.
- Support crisis response and ad-hoc needs of partner countries.
Карта проекту
Пріоритетний напрям:
Партнерство, що з'єднує, Партнерство, що створює Піднапрямок:
Цифровізація (широкосмуговий доступ, мобільний зв'язок, електронний уряд, цифрові інновації, кіберсфера), Економіка та торгівля Тема:
Бізнес, Транскордонна співпраця, Цифровізація, Східне партнерство, Освіта, Здоров'я, Зайнятість, Навички, Транспорт, Жінки EaP Countries:
Вірменія, Азербайджан, Білорусь, Грузія, Молдова, Україна Статус проекту:
Триває Початок:
23.06.2022 Кінець:
23.06.2025 Вебсайт:
Номер проекту ЄС: